
Tokenomics are subject to change through DAO voting

Contract: 0x42077e348702f13ea80ce6a6a38b8b60fbb37b5d

Total Supply: 10,000,000 - LP: 85% - Team: 5% - Liquidity Raise: 10%

Reflection & Tax Buy: 0% Sell: 4% - This is decided by DAO governance. Please check DAO Snapshot or ask in Telegram to confirm this if reading core()scan is confusing.

80% pool of USDT/cDAO and 20% pool of wCORE/cDAO. This is to encourage autonomous arbitrage and therefore reflection to holders. Outdated, updating currently 14/12/2.

1k $cDAO is needed for reflections 1k $cDAO is needed to create proposals in cSubDAO 1 $cDAO is needed for voting in DAO proposals

Last updated